Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 111,625,219 Issue: 222 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword refira

Week - 214

Bad Costumes
by refira
Description: Don't do this to your petpet...

Week - 217

Rejected Reality
by refira
Description: I'm NOT addicted to the lab ray...

Week - 222

Rejected Reality
by refira
Description: This can mean only one thing...

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Petpet Ownerowner
The Turmaculus isn't just scary to petpets...

by magnoliaprincess


Inexorable: Part Five
Ryddle shrugged. "It's just a little hard adjusting to this life." He was eager to change the subject. "Flytta looks happy, though."

by haannsolo


Nyah~! #6
The result?

by ae0nsoul


Look Closely
She'd get everything packed, and then leave right under her uncaring brother and sister's stuck-up noses. They wouldn't care--they'd probably be glad she finally decided to leave...

by dottie27a


The Mystery of Acaras
Who can resist our fuzzy little faces?

by remybuxaplentyfan

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