Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 107,223,896 Issue: 214 | 28th day of Collecting, Y7
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword hmlanden

Week - 196

Cinnamon Musician
by hmlanden
Description: A cheerful little voice echoed from behind the counter, "Could you give me a paw with the violin on the top shelf?"

Week - 203

by hmlanden
Description: Her afternoons were spent helping the cook or fetching things for customers. But when she hid away with a good book...

Week - 208

Mightier than the Sword
by hmlanden
Description: A single Krawk stumbled along the beach. He was clearly a pirate, like most of the residents of Krawk Island. Keen eyes searched the unwieldy beach for a hiding place, finding none...

Week - 209

by hmlanden
Description: The young teenage Acara slumped against her locker and closed her eyes, listening to the thunderous chatter of her hundreds of schoolmates. All of them had a name, except her...

Week - 213

Lack of Inspiration
by hmlanden
Description: For years she had lived in this cave off the main caverns where most of the Boris lived...

Week - 214

Oreo's Halloween
by hmlanden
Description: Oreo123131 the red gelert hated Halloween. Everything about it was despicable...

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Misadventure at Last!
It's so hard to find good toys these days.

by _vespa


A Day for a Ghost to Triumph
"Vampires and ghosts are too common," she mumbled to herself. A thought occurred to her, and she said aloud, "I know - I'll dress as a Light Faerie! No one does that around here!"

by nut862


Halloween Happenings
"Halloween. The whole idea of it. I mean, dressing up like someone else to get candy? How lame. Candy is bad for you, anyway."

by kacheeklover3579


Island Babe and Friends: Halloween Special
Always know whose house you're trick-or-treating at...

by syas82301


Once Upon a Halloween Night
In one hand, she clutched her white cloth sack. In the other, she held the real prize, the treasure of her costume...

by really_awesome_d00d

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