Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 107,223,896 Issue: 214 | 28th day of Collecting, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The word impossible isn't true - it's just a term people use for things that take a long time and are very difficult.

Candy: the Guide

Halloween! You know, that autumn holiday where you get to wear a cool costume at night, run around with your friends, and go door to door scaring your neighbors? Now, come on. What part of that isn’t fun? But you know what the best part is? CANDY, of course!

Dressed to Impress

Naturally, you and your pets will be dressing spooky to Trick or Treat the unsuspecting citizens of Neopia. Well, before you plan your outrageous outfit to spook the living daylights out of your neo-neighbours, make sure you read this article!

Breaking News

The following is a public service announcement. As many of you are aware, Sahkmet has rather recently disappeared. An event of such proportions understandably started a planet wide search into the cause of the disappearance. Many are claiming...

Other Stories
"Taking a Chance on Friendship" by tj_wagner
The Haunted Woods stretched forth like a forlorn monster. The bare branches of the old, black trees were like the monster's hands - all reaching out as if to grab the frightened Aisha and all who dared to step into their domain...

"SOS: MSPP!" by tashni
I went to the pound to adopt a new Neopet, and before long it seemed as though it was my lucky day. Sitting before me was not only a Poogle, but a Plushie Poogle! I snatched him up, and the adorably rare pet was mine! As we walked home he didn't say much, but he smiled...

"Empty Candy" by chocolateisamust and extreme_fj0rd
Three stories tall, it had a ghostly white exterior and a tiled, dusty gray roof. The windows were all cracked, and the great wooden door was splintered; the yard was overrun with weeds. One would probably assume that no one lived there...

Trick or Treat!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Edna’s Tower
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Great stories!


Frootii Goes Trick-Or-Treating
Happy Halloween! -Jazzyshizzle, and of course, Frootii!

by jazzyshizzle


Veggies, Anyone?
Don't worry. This happens ALL the time.

by medli20


The Odd Couple
I'm telling fortunes!

Also by gloss_frozen

by mindela_me


Shades of Grey: Part Three
Her luxurious buttercup wings had been replaced with tattered feathers that threatened to fall out with the slightest movement...

by cloudybliss



by simtidbits

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