Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 196,942,890 Issue: 952 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y24
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New Series

Capture the Flag

Are you sure you don’t want to join capture the flag?

by rrooaarrrr
The Tidal Cave

“Come on, Wiley! What’s the holdup?” a voice called out, echoing through the forest, drifting in the breeze, finding its way towards Wiluite.

by shadowknight_72
The Swashbuckling Ballad of a Vandagyre

Beyond the reach of any map, the telescopes of Kreludor, technologies of Virtupets, there was a mountain-laden shore...

by flufflepuff
Another Hero's Krawk Island

The hamlet of Seaside faced the sea to the east, abuzz with fisherfolk peddling their wares or jostling for spots on the pier...

by precious_katuch14
The Ninja and the Pirate King

The first time Akihiko lays eyes on Laurence of Kingsgrange, the pirate king is in chains...

by crazyboutcute
The Blooms of Shenkuu: Legacies

I fear that what has happened this night will shake the very spine of the world. And now she has risen like the moon … what new legacy will now be written in the mists?

by exanomaly
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"The Admiral's Ninja" by dudeiloled
The Jolly Chomby sailed through the open waters near Krawk Island with ease. As the wind gently pushed across the sails, Admiral Blackbeard stood at the helm of his ship with a satisfied smile, while his crewmates worked frantically around him to make sure everything was smooth. If there was one thing Admiral Blackbeard didn’t like, it was a bumpy ride to the harbour, because that meant his stomach would upset and his performance at the Food Club would suffer. Not that he was doing particularly well in recent years. Ah, to be youthful again! Back when his stomach could bear the great dishes of cheeses and yoghurts and pizzas that were often on display. Back when the Food Club catered much more to a healthy sense of living – large amounts of fruits and vegetables – rather than the thrill of the competition. Nowadays he fell behind, unable to tolerate dairy anymore, and his once...

Other Stories


The Ninja Who Was a Good Traitor
Walda the Baby Kacheek learns a lesson or two in standing up for what's right, even when it seems impossible.

by _brainchild_


When Worlds Collide
It's a battle between ninjakin and piratefolk, and Dylan the Krawk is thrown right in the middle of the fight.

by parody_ham


Pirate versus Ninja; it’s a popular match-up for a reason...

by pikachu315111


G&B: Pirates vs Ninjas
Today, we join in the age old debate Pirates vs Ninjas! Collab with neoghia

by hotneograndma


Idea Crisis
The final solution to be a fan of both sides. Collab with Flaiyper

by black_kisa


Kad These Two Set Aside Their Differences?
Two kadoaties, a pirate and ninja, seek the ultimate treasure! Collab with praline01, chrisy_chan, and demsropophu

by belleprintemps

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