A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 197,832,142 Issue: 1007 | 3rd day of Hunting, Y26
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword sithlord__vader

Week - 228

Is There Really Only One Moon In Neopia?
by sithlord__vader
Description: If you will notice on the world map you can see the moon Kreludor, which is supposedly the only moon here, but if you go to Meridell and go to Darigan's floating city, you see a second moon floating in the distance.

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Salem of the Sway
I followed closely behind Bee as she led me through the mansion. Both of our hoods were pulled up to shroud our faces in darkness and mystery. With the presence of..."

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Chocolate Hair Perks
Whipped cream can solve your needs!

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Hubert’s Hot Dogs: Best and Worst
Hello, my fellow Neopians! This is Charles the Chocolate Chia, Neopia’s top food critic here on the scene to give you quite the scoop.

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Petpet Pages: Marafin
Greeeeetings Neopiaaaaa!

Tis I, Noodles - fan of all things Neopets and your resident expert on your Neopets perfect, petite Pet pals - Petpets!

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A Spring Picnic
With a crisp breeze in the air and a dapple of sunlight bursting through the branches arching over the small but homely hut, just within the boundary of the Haunted Woods, Sophie had made a decision.

by betti666

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