There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,621,610 Issue: 993 | 6th day of Collecting, Y25
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Continued Series

The Shoyru Spy

"Knocking the guards out proved easier than expected, and after Luna picked up the keys to the dungeon from one of the guards’ pockets, Luna and Sylas quickly made their way to the dungeons..."

by iwonder
Knight & Squire: Unwilling

"'Time to wake up,' an armoured, White Ixi kicked the lower bedframe of Rowan’s cot..."

by terpsichorean_writer
The Sleepers of Saint Garfir

"The Hall of Ceremony was filled with third-year students and Miphie very much wished that some of those grand, arching windows lining the ornate walls would be opened an inch..."

by josephinefarine
The Box from 10,000 Years Ago

"Teca then shifts her gaze to the 'stone' she received, noticing a beautiful blue glow under all the dirt. Curiosity piqued..."

by chantili_doce
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Shiny! A Guide to Starting Your Trophy Collection

Have you ever woken up one morning and thought to yourself that your user lookup is missing something? Or maybe you have an insatiable appetite for gold and glory? If either of these scenarios describes you, a shiny new trophy for your cabinet may be just what you need! I myself have fallen victim to the desire to add one of these shiny objects to my collection from time to time. If you’re just embarking on your path to glory, this is the guide for you. In this guide, I will break down how the Neopets trophy system works and do my best to aid you on your quest for victory. First, it’s worth mentioning there are a handful of ways one can win a trophy in Neopets. This can range anywhere from a daily high score in one (or more) of your favourite games, to a random event (to the ever-elusive Tax Beast, I curse you), or for your skills at various card games. While daunting, this one-stop shop will set you on your way to becoming the ultimate trophy collector in no time. When hunting for trophies from Neopets classic games, I mean the newly-revived games where you can submit a score up to three times a day. Essentially, trophies for these games are handed out daily, early in the morning of the next day. What this means is once you’ve submitted your trophy-worthy score, that score needs to stand on the high-score table for that game until TNT hands out trophies in the wee hours of the morn. What may have been a gold-worthy score when you submitted it may be bumped down a tier or two depending on how your fellow Neopians perform throughout the trophy period.

Other Stories


Butterfly Effect
A beautiful spring day beckoned the Borodere siblings as they enjoyed a weekend away from responsibilities and duties.

by parody_ham


Babies Day Out
As the small group of little dragon girls skipped towards the ticket gates of the Roo Island Annual Carnival, their excitement grew.

by rosemmary


12 Faerie Avatars to Use During the Faerie Festival
With this year's return of the great Faerie Festival, we couldn't help but celebrate! How about we also pay tribute to our beloved Fairies of Neopia by representing them with a beautiful Faerie avatar on the Neoboards? Collab with higs_pagodeiro

by dinha_reeves


A Season of Halloween Fun has Just Begun!
October, the month of Halloween is a wonderful time of year when everything from spooky to cool to pretty is all more than appropriate.

by nathobatho


Blossoms~ Digging Deep Part 7
I've been trying to fill that role, but I always get something wrong.

by twillieblossom


The Fright Side: Uninvited Guest part 2
The curse is already in effect...

by halloween_luck

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