Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 81,826,882 Issue: 154 | 20th day of Hiding, Y6
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Magical Beauty

by blubblub317


It was a rather cool day in Neopia Central, and gusts of wind soared throughout the neighbourhood of Aisha Avenue. Most of the neighbours didn't seem to enjoy it, and wanted the sun to emit masses of blazing heat. But the residents' of 84852 Aisha Avenue were some of the few who did seem to take pleasure in it. Flowrey, Luna, Dane, and Fantasia were all seated outside in the garden, munching on their sandwiches while submerging themselves in a light-hearted conversation.

     "I think Midnight needs to be cleaned," Luna, a yellow Ixi, remarked worriedly, gazing at the family's beloved Weewoo.

     Fantasia, a young and pretty adolescent, rolled her eyes. "We just cleaned Midnight two hours ago," she said.

     "Still, you never about those little critters that could get in his fur," Luna piped.

     "Oh, you're so over-protective with Midnight," Flowrey, a rainbow Acara, said, sipping some sweet lemonade. "Honestly, give him a break and let him be!"

     "I definitely agree with Flowrey," a Christmas Lupe who went by the name Dane commented. "You're really controlling when it comes to him."

     "I'm just trying to do what's best for him!" Luna exclaimed, a large frown forming on her face.

     "Well, you don't need to protect him twenty-four seven," Fantasia snickered.

     "Whatever," Luna muttered, obviously angry by her family's comments.

     "Could you please pass me the lemonade, Fantasia?" Dane asked, ending the previous argument.

     Fantasia nodded. However, instead of grabbing the lemonade, she took hold of a bowl of potato salad! Flowrey, Luna, and Dane all exchanged confused glances as Fantasia handed Dane the bowl.

     "Hear you go," she said cheerfully.

     "Uh, Fantasia," Dane began, "that's a bowl of salad."

     Fantasia frowned. "What are you talking about?" she asked, surprised. "That's a bottle of lemonade."

     "No it isn't!" her three pets exclaimed in unison.

     Fantasia began squinting at the bowl, and sighed. "I guess you're right," she admitted.

     "That was really weird," Flowrey remarked. "I'm beginning to think you may need glasses."

     For some odd reason, Fantasia started giggling fretfully. "What are you talking about?" she questioned. "My eyes are perfect! The sun was in my eyes, that's all!"

     Fantasia's uncanny giggling continued on, and her three pets all took notice of this. Something pfishy was going on, and they were going to get to the bottom of it…


The rest of the day quickly flew by, and night time had now taken over. Luna, Dane, and Flowrey were all tucked in their beds, and continued to ponder on the incident that had taken place during the afternoon.

     "Do you really think Fantasia has eye problems?" Dane inquired, yawning clumsily whilst stretching out his arms.

     Flowrey sighed. "I'm sure of it," she replied. "But the thing is, I don't understand why she's so weird when it comes to it."

     "Well, what can we do about the problem?" Luna said, her body facing Luna's bed.

      Flowrey scratched her head, thinking. "Hmmm," she began, "I'm think we should MAKE Fantasia admit that she does have eye problems!"

      "But won't she be more careful about passing stuff and things like that now?" Luna said.

     "Probably," Flowrey agreed. "But I have an excellent idea planned out, and it involves Midnight…."


Fantasia hummed a catchy tune to herself as she started washing the dirty dishes in the kitchen. The family had just finished eating supper, and for some bizarre reason, no one had said a word during that period. Fantasia had found it to be awfully strange, but she, as well, had said nothing.

     "I think those three are up to something," she mumbled to herself, scrapping off some sticky melted cheese from a plate.


     At the sound of the call, Fantasia stopped moving her hands, and turned off to running water from the sink. "What does Midnight want this time?" she said, drying her hands with the cloth lying on the counter.

     The adolescent paced out of the kitchen and into the living room, where she was sure Midnight had called her. "Where are you Midnight?" she asked in a melodic tone, peering around the room.

     Luckily, she quickly caught sight of the little Weewoo. Midnight was sitting in Flowrey's personal recliner, and wasn't moving at all. In reality, it wasn't Midnight who was sitting on the recliner. It was merely a bunch of tissues that Fantasia's three pets had taped together. They hadn't even bothered drawing eyes or a beak on the Weewoo's face. But of course, Fantasia had no clue about this, because her eyesight was totally blurred. She walked towards the Weewoo, and spread out her long arms.

     "Oh, there you are, you little cutie-pootsie little fella!" she said in babyish matter.

     She slowly placed the Weewoo in her arms, and began hugging it tightly. Weird, she instantly thought, this doesn't feel like a Weewoo at all…

     Fantasia's eyes narrowed into thin slits as she squinted at the clump of tissues. She gasped as she finally realized what it was. "Tissues?!" she yelled, shocked.

     "AH-HA! WE HAVE THE PROOF!" a voice suddenly shouted excitedly.

     Fantasia immediately swivelled her body around, thoughts of confusion swirling in her mind. "Dane, is that you?" she called out.

     To Fantasia's surprise, not only did Dane step inside the living room, but so did Luna and Flowrey! The three all carried looks of satisfaction on their faces.

     "Admit it Fantasia," Flowrey laughed. "You do have eye problems!"

     Fantasia gazed at her family in disbelief. "Is this why you guys did this?" she cried angrily.

     The trio was a bit startled by Fantasia's sudden outburst. "Um--yeah…" Flowrey said reluctantly.

     Fantasia continued staring at her family for a few more seconds. At last, she began talking again. "Fine," she said, "I admit it! I do have eye problems! My eyesight is totally blurred now!"

     "Well, why couldn't you admit it before?" Luna asked, curious.

     "I don't want to get glasses!" Fantasia exclaimed shrilly. "People with glasses are generally nerds…"

     "That's so not true!" Dane abruptly exclaimed, exceedingly taken aback by Fantasia's comment. "That's being stereotypical! There's this girl in my class who has glasses, and she ain't the brightest in the bunch! But she is awfully pretty…"

     Fantasia rolled her eyes. "That's not the point!" she explained. "I just don't want to be a called a nerd!"

     "Why would you ever be called a nerd, Fantasia?" Flowrey exclaimed, flinging out her arms.

     Fantasia paused for a moment. "I don't know," she finally said. "I guess the thought frightened me."

     "Well, stop with this stupid 'nerd' nonsense!" Luna yelled, crossing her arms irritably. "Tomorrow, you're going to the doctor's office!"

     Fantasia clumsily slumped down in her recliner. "Fine," was all that she grumbled.


The next morning, Fantasia awoke feeling a tad bit depressed. "I'm gonna' look so stupid with glasses," she mumbled to herself, as she unleashed her body from the snug covers that enclosed her.

     She slowly stood up from her bed, and dragged herself downstairs. The aroma of eggs began soaring through her nostrils, which struck Fantasia as bizarre. She was always the one who made breakfast. When she entered the breakfast, her jaw dropped as she saw what her pets had done. An entire scrumptious breakfast was laid out on the table, ready for Fantasia to eat.

     "W-w-wha--" Fantasia smattered uncontrollably.

     Her pets suddenly shuffled in front of her, each one of them carrying a heart-warming smile. "We thought we'd make you some breakfast today," Luna explained blissfully.

     "Why?!" Fantasia yelled out.

     Luna shrugged. "Just because!"

     Fantasia frowned. "Is it because I'm probably getting glasses today?" she asked disbelievingly.

     "Nah--we just felt like it," Luna simply said.

     "Guys, if you're trying to make feel better…" Flowrey began, her pets all suddenly gulping, "it is so working! I feel really cheerful right now!"

     Dane, Luna, and Flowrey's smiles all grew wider at their owner's comment. "Yeah, you're right," Luna finally confessed. "We did do this because we know you're a bit depressed."

     "Well, like I said before, this is cheering me up," Fantasia exclaimed, plopping herself down in her chair.

     The whole family began munching on the hearty breakfast, laughing while discussing their silly topics. They continued to eat and eat, till everyone felt as if they were going to implode.

     "That was an awesome breakfast, guys," Fantasia mumbled, rubbing her stomach. "You should do it more often."

     Flowrey shook her head in disagreement. "No way," she said. "That breakfast took us four hours to make."

     Fantasia giggled at the comment, and wiped off the bits of eggs on her lips with a napkin. "Well," she said, bloated, "I guess I better head off to the doctor's office."

     "Okay. See you soon, Fantasia!" Flowrey exclaimed, grinning.

     Fantasia stood up from her chair and made her way towards the back door. "Be good while I'm gone, guys," she stated sternly. "I don't want to see a huge mess when I come back!"

     "Don't worry," Dane yelled, rolling his eyes. "Just go!"

     So at last, Fantasia slowly opened the door, and then closed it shut, beginning to make her way towards the dreaded doctor's office.


A couple of hours painfully dragged by, as Flowrey, Luna, and Dane waited for Fantasia to come back. They were all exceedingly bored, and were simply lying on the living room rug, playing with little things that they could find. Suddenly, the sound of the door being opened made it's way towards their ears.

     "She's back!" Dane shouted, his ears perked up.

     He dashed out of the living room and ran to the entrance where Fantasia was stationed. The thing he noticed immediately was an elegant pair of glasses lying neatly on her nose. They made her features look absolutely radiant!

     "Woah…" Dane whispered, his eyes much wider then usual. Luna and Flowrey quickly came running in behind the Lupe. Their running screeched to a sudden halt when they caught sight of Fantasia as well.

     "So," Fantasia began nervously, "how do I look?"

     A paused ensued. "Beautiful," Luna finally whispered.

     Fantasia beamed at the comment. "You really think so?" she asked.

     "OF COURSE I DO!" Luna piped.

     Fantasia sighed in relief. "I'm glad you guys think so. I'm actually quite fond of them myself.

     Her three pets all began crowding around her, giving her warm and tight hugs.

     "Well, at least you won't mistake Midnight for clumps of tissues now!"

     Fantasia chuckled nervously. "You know what? Let's just pretend that never happened…"

The End

A/N: Thankies for reading another one of my stories! Comments are EXTREMELY appreciated! UNTIL NEXT TIME!

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