Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 196,274,205 Issue: 903 | 5th day of Relaxing, Y22
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword mabi1234

Week - 694

by mabi1234
Description: Since an early age, he showed all those around him that he was not destined to be a farmer, much to his parents' delight. All his life he had been taught about honour and had learned that there was a profession in which Neopets could help others, defend them and fight for honour: Knighthood.

Week - 702

by mabi1234
Description: However, our story is about one of the very few Neopets who were not raised by a loving family; instead, he was born in the Case 15-A of Laboratory #8 and his homeland was the Virtupets Research Centre.

Also by cherokee165

Week - 708

by cherokee165
Description: Boing!

Also by mabi1234

Week - 807

by mabi1234
Description: It was just a normal day for him. Like any other. By midnight, this particular day would have been over and out of his mind like the thousand ones that came before it.

Also by cherokee163

Week - 903

From Green to Ice: A Wocky's Story
by mabi1234
Description: Let us call our protagonist Green, since his forest-green fur was his most striking feature. He looked pretty much like any other Wocky and could not bear to stay in the same place or land for too long...

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Just Cake #20
Turning the boo on Boochi.

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The Move
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1337 the Springabee
Authors Note: Dedicated to my friend the witty intellectual, and in honor of Petpet Appreciation Day because Petpetpets bring joy to Petpets too!

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