Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,653,695 Issue: 751 | 30th day of Gathering, Y18
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword starsbc

Week - 743

I Wish My Neopets Were Real
by starsbc
Description: I'm the best owner ever?!

Week - 745

Powered By Asparagus...Or Not?
by starsbc
Description: He looks like asparagus, so he MUST be allergic to them...oh!

Week - 746

A Frightening Monster : A (Tiny) Scary Spider
by starsbc
Description: If only the spider was as big as the one in this thumbnail!

Week - 747

An Extraordinary Weapon : Fur Boots
by starsbc
Description: Who said you can't win a battle in a pair of designer boots?

Week - 748

Too Many Coins - Not Enough Fingers
by starsbc
Description: I could`ve earned more NPs from playing games...

Week - 749

Kadoatie Lovin'
by starsbc
Description: Never a dull moment with your brand new Loving Kadoatie!

Week - 751

Lenny The Lenny
by starsbc
Description: Why do people name their Neopets after their species?

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Great stories!


Ink: Dark Contrast - Part 5
What more can you take from me?

by june_scarlet


An Uprising of Sweepers: Part Two
The town, though small is separated out into four different areas. The town centre faces the sea, in between its North and South sections. Towards the East, and surrounding it is a forest which spans for miles. It is through this forest that many use its ways to get to other parts of the region in those days.

by yin_yin_7


Episode 3: Fyora
Where is that stupid window?

Also by sergente__hartmann

by hikariyugi_yamiatemu


Lenny The Lenny
Why do people name their Neopets after their species?

by starsbc


Kads & Capers: The Petpet Detective Book 1
Life at the Kadoatery was a simple one. The petpets spent their time there in splendour; relaxing, playing, eating gourmet meals and being groomed and pampered. Each Kadoatie had their own private quarters, leading onto a vast communal space filled with anything a Kad could want.

by pedigree_chump666

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