For an easier life Circulation: 193,882,547 Issue: 708 | 20th day of Storing, Y17
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword a_ramsell

Week - 701

Catch Up on Autumn Reading with the Library Faerie!
by a_ramsell
Description: With cooler weather quickly approaching, many Neopians will soon find themselves wanting to curl up in their cozy Neohomes with a Hot Cup of Borovan and a good book. And that, my friends, is why a chat with the Library Faerie ls long overdue!

Week - 705

Splurge or Steal: Neohome 2.0 Halloween Decorating
by a_ramsell
Description: Halloween is just around the corner, and many Neopians enjoy getting into the spirit by dressing up their Neopets, creating spooky avatar and font combinations, or decorating user lookups. While these are all fantastic ways to celebrate the occasion, Neopians often overlook their 2.0 Neohomes.

Week - 707

A 16th Birthday Celebration On the Cheap!
by a_ramsell
Description: I’ve got the perfect solution for you!

Below you will find 16 of my favorite affordable birthday goodies you can buy today so you don’t miss out on the festive fun!

Week - 708

16 Ways Neopets Helps You Master "Real-World" Skills
by a_ramsell
Description: In honor of Neopets’ 16th birthday, we’ve compiled a list of 16 awesome aspects of that have taught us Neopians some useful things about the “real world,” as some like to call it. (Wait, what? There’s life outside of Neopets?)

Collaboration with hottendott

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It's Raining... Mortogs!
I knew there was an upside to all this collecting

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The Stock Market
Patience is a virtue.

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Color Fail #5
I knew this was a bad choice...

by susy_ti


Foods with Flair to Enliven Your Holiday Table
As we head into the holiday season, my Neopets and I look forward to all the wonderful treats that these festive times bring. And when we are gathered together to enjoy the company of our Neofamilies, what better way to celebrate than with food!

by binky1260


The Amulet's Curse: Part Four
“Isca was a lot of help, but she was right. We need to remember that this won’t be easy, the answers aren’t going just appear in front of us.” Said Hannah.

by corrina404

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