Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 196,761,390 Issue: 705 | 30th day of Collecting, Y17
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We found the following 24 result(s) for the keyword jackjack1234

Week - 359

Colour of Shame
by jackjack1234
Description: "She thinks you need a new appearance. She thinks young neopets may find you frightening." My tail hit the ground.

Week - 357

Mutants: Judged By Their Appearance?
by jackjack1234
Description: Have you ever heard your friends ever say, 'Ew, a mutant? You're considering one?' Then take a look at these facts.

Week - 367

Fuzzeh Logic
by jackjack1234
Description: No Kyriis were ever harmed. xD

Week - 368

Fuzzeh Logic: The Food Shop!
by jackjack1234
Description: Does THAT answer your question? XD

Week - 370

Scorchy Slots: Part 2
by jackjack1234
Description: At least we got her off.

Week - 373

Fuzzeh Logic
by jackjack1234
Description: Try is about all you can do.

Week - 372

Fuzzeh Logic: The Holidays!
by jackjack1234
Description: Holidays bring out the best in us.

Week - 381

Never Too Good
by jackjack1234
Description: I am not a piece of cheese!

Week - 387

Never Too Good
by jackjack1234
Description: I wouldn't eat that if I were you.

Week - 391

Fuzzeh Logic: Meerca Chase!
by jackjack1234
Description: Well, THAT didn't go over too well...

Week - 398

Fuzzeh Logic: Slushie Slinger!
by jackjack1234
Description: That's not exactly how you play...

Week - 397

Altador Cup: Gloves?
by jackjack1234
Description: Why do they wear gloves?

Week - 401

Fuzzeh Logic
by jackjack1234
Description: Chocolate pets don't have it as tough as you think.

Week - 431

Anderis's New Paint Brush: Part 1 of 2
by jackjack1234
Description: I have a plan.

Week - 432

Anderis's New Paint Brush: Part 2 of 2
by jackjack1234
Description: There's more than one way to paint a Kyrii! :3

Week - 433

Fuzzeh Logic: Magma!
by jackjack1234
Description: Hot dogs!

Week - 514

Anderis's Story: Return of a Friend
by jackjack1234
Description: Anderis felt a surge of energy. He hadn't drawn or painted anything in a long time. He had created a few drawings...

Week - 518

Fuzzeh Logic: Halloween Special
by jackjack1234
Description: I haven't seen a single pet all night!

Week - 550

Fuzzeh Logic
by jackjack1234
Description: Looks like we'll need a new coloured couch...

Week - 554

Fuzzeh Logic: The Deserted Fairground
by jackjack1234
Description: Why do we even come here?

Week - 560

Fuzzeh Logic: Unexpected Surprise
by jackjack1234
Description: Tea?

Week - 568

Fuzzeh Logic: Halloween
by jackjack1234
Description: He doesn't quite get the concept of Halloween...

Week - 570

Fuzzeh Logic: Coconut Shy Antics
by jackjack1234
Description: There may be benefits to Sovranno's personality...

Week - 705

Fuzzeh Logic: Halloween
by jackjack1234
Description: Plushies can be scary too!

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Adventures in the Catacombs: Part One
It was a warm afternoon and the sun was beaming brightly in the sky as Ruaalia the Plushie Cybunny walked briskly towards the Haunted Woods. It wasn't her favourite place to visit, but she was on a mission: to help her friend go on the adventure of a lifetime.

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And Then There Was Silence: Part One: Part Three
inneus has been flying for a few miles now, constantly checking the ground below to make sure he isn't being pursued by that terrifying assassin. So far, the coast is clear, the assassin is nowhere to be found, and his ego has never been so huge.

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Halloween Customization
Halloween is almost upon us here in Neopia and all the witches, ghouls, and monsters will be coming out to play soon. To celebrate this spooky festivities, we've come up with six different looks for you to dress your Neopets for the special occasion.

Also by Greyfever

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Two Of A Kind!
At least you dont have to worry about a Halloween costume!

by halloweenkomoris


Janet and Jane: Halloween
You should see what she did the the Fresh Food shop!

by chasing_stars44

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