Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 99,279,380 Issue: 195 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y7
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword johnandadam

Week - 178

Adventures of a Musketeer Usul
by johnandadam
Description: *Slurp*

Art by shadih_temporary

Week - 195

Adventures of a Musketeer Usul
by johnandadam
Description: I'm confused!

Art by shadih_temporary

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A Day in the Life of the Money Tree
Pick me!

by sunshine_1470


Top Secrets Revealed: Dr. Sloth's Answering Machine
A while ago, a great secret was revealed to the whole Neopia. Probably not a lot of Neopians noticed this, since they were busy trying out for the competition in which this secret was announced indirectly...

by shadowcristal


NeoQuest II Survival For Newbies
Yes, it was a good day to be an adventurer, and that 's just what I intended to do. But what happened, I hear you ask? Well, Kat - also known as precious_katuch14 - happened, as I shall show you...

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by precious_katuch14


How To Roleplay: Style!
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by orginalcliche


The Misadventures of a Pink Lenny
"Are You Sure?"

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by immortalmina

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