Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 195,555,499 Issue: 862 | 12th day of Eating, Y21
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Blossoms~ Games Night Part 5

by twillieblossom

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Chia Adventures: Spring!
Spring is finally here!

by fruitbananas


Guilds of Neopia: Homes For Every Lost Pet
There are countless guilds in Neopia, all unique and different in their own way. The upside to this is that anyone can find a guild that is perfect for them; the downside is that it is easy to overlook your potential dream guild. There are so many guilds that Neopians put so much work into that deserve some recognition.

by the_cutest_assassin


So sad, To Kad...
today is the day...wait

by marsbarss


10 Retired Avatars We All Wish We Could Still Get
Have you ever decided to not participate in a site event only to realize you missed out on an awesome avatar reward? Perhaps looked at an avatar checklist to see what avatars you were missing, spotted a cool one, and then read that it was unobtainable and retired? Do you have any regrets holding off on getting an avatar for later, because one day it randomly retired? Let's be honest: it's happened to us all at one point or another, and there are some truly great avatars we either wish we had been around for or are remorseful to not have participated in when we had the chance. Today we're going to look at 10 retired avatars we all wish we could still get.

by chaeldar

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