teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 195,255,586 Issue: 835 | 27th day of Swimming, Y20
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Wardrobe Woes

by _clement_

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Showcase Roo Island In Your Neohome
Roo Island is full of fun, happiness and sunshine. The island exudes it! Roo Island is a small island located off the coast of Neopia Central. Once you step foot on the island, you are greeted with the smiling faces of bouncing Blumaroos!


by seanman1224


I'm the strongest... oh wait

by lighters_


AC Insanities: Patience
Waiting in line is common courtesy, everyone.

by andromedric


Traveller's Style Guide: Mystery Island
It's summertime, and that makes Mystery Island the holiday destination of the moment. It's the vacation destination of many neopets, with it’s tropical climate, many beaches, and relaxing atmosphere. But visitors to the island need to make sure when they’re packing for their dream holiday they’ve included all the necessities.

by corrina404

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