The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,670,420 Issue: 785 | 9th day of Relaxing, Y19
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Jubjub Tub Scrub

by suixx

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Dueling Decks: A Game of Wits
It is indeed a game of wits because your wits can swing the game in your favor the majority of the time. Your wits won’t win you every game, but they can put you in good standings for Neopoints. Here’s how!

by busterposeys


Should You Always Win!?
Which one is better?

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by o_babypet4me_o


Boulder Box
Hiatus problems

by snackbox


Imperial Exam: A Study Guide
While this game is straightforward and much of gaining a high score is luck, here is a list of tricks that you can use to help boost your score as high as possible.

by avielend

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