Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,670,420 Issue: 785 | 9th day of Relaxing, Y19
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Be Careful What You Wish For

by mucka33

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An In-Depth Analysis of the Altador Cup Prize Shops
This article will look at each Altador Cup and will showcase my opinion of the best and most fun prize from each year’s prize shop. I will take several things into account –rarity, uniqueness, and usefulness, just to name a few. Hopefully reading through this article will give you a motivation to hit the stadium and get playing!

by xilimirg


Dueling Decks: A Game of Wits
It is indeed a game of wits because your wits can swing the game in your favor the majority of the time. Your wits won’t win you every game, but they can put you in good standings for Neopoints. Here’s how!

by busterposeys


Mysterious Meat
Where does it come from?

Also by fashiongirl25

by roxanna203


Rock Bottom
Taking the first step makes you stronger... or in Vivi's case...

by innosently

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