Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,974,720 Issue: 729 | 22nd day of Eating, Y18
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Fishing For Trouble

by suixx

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Eye of the Crokabek: Part Four
“So... what's happened to Cog?” he asked.

Stella gave him a weary look. “It's a long story,” she told him, “and... I haven't been sleeping well lately. Mind if I make a cup of Borovan first?”

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Why Kadoaties Don't Make Good Supporters
That's not really the noise we were looking for

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by brooklyn3223


An Adventure Outside of Meridell
A golden morning gave Cadria faint hope that summer was fast approaching. May had come and gone with some frivolity; the temperatures had warmed considerably but had remained altogether unimpressive.

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Does Neopets Stay With You Throughout The Day?
Inspired by my elation, I wondered if other players were affected by Neopets as much as I am. Does a cool accomplishment, like a trophy or avatar, have you floating on cloud nine for weeks? Does a new Neofriend have you taking time out of real life to spend time chatting with her every afternoon?

by indulgences

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