Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,963,135 Issue: 728 | 15th day of Eating, Y18
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There’s Nothing Quite Like A Good Book

by toffeedatepudding

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Jhudora the Babysitter
... It could be worse?

Also by lyndsey4657

by pinksrainbow


Why Did You Downsize? - Part 2
A popular article of mine was called "Why Did You Downsize?," and it received a lot of fan mail. The idea of downsizing struck a chord with many of my fellow players, and they admitted that after reading my article, they were inspired to downsize their own accounts.

by indulgences


Getting a Picture with Kanrik
Hey Master Thief can I get a picture with ya?

Also by murillion

by shadowlugia_92


The Richest Slorg
A Slorg so fancy and rich that he needs a second monocle.

by simbologies

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