Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 193,816,384 Issue: 716 | 22nd day of Sleeping, Y18
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Ghostkerchief Woes

by turtling

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Spyder and Flies
Even spyders enjoy junk food.

by applefaerie99


Bottled Faeries Inc.: Part Four
“Well,” I said, adjusting the brim of my sunhat to block out the harsh sunrays, “this was probably the worse thing that could have happened.” Soon after Marty and I had fled Jhuidah’s cooking pot, I had received a neomail. The small, enchanted yellow envelope had repeatedly jammed itself against my thigh until, grudgingly, I had plucked it from the air and opened it.

by vanessa1357924680


Cafeteria Food
"Look," Starry said. "It has nothing to do with a lack of ability to make potions, to teach, et cetera- It's that you're saying it's at school. Our school."

Chris sat down on an orange, hovering Virtupets bed. Slowly, he nodded. "You're right. That'd be terrible."

"But I am a terrible person. School starts in two weeks. See you then."

by forestfleet


The Inventor's Craft
"What? Nothing changed." Mira responded with a roll of her eyes.

"But don’t you see, it worked!" the young faerie beside her spoke with the same enthusiasm as the Neopet inventor. Her brown dress was quite plain for a faerie. Then again, Kreludor isn't a place to be one's fanciest attire on. Especially with the places that she and Mira had been visiting.

by artsy_insanity

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