Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 191,058,652 Issue: 595 | 17th day of Hunting, Y15
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by admonisher

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Great stories!


My Brother Tobin: Part Two
"Hey Tobin, I'm going to the park. You wanna come?" I called up the stairs the next morning.

by fields_of_gold


Desert Journey: Part Eight
"What part of the city do you think we arrived in?"

But Aria didn't answer. Her eyes were fixated on the pair of desert Xweetok guards approaching them. They were trapped...

by cureleantwilight


Maeryc and the Wishing Star: Part Two
"It makes sense, I suppose," she thought. "I lived in the sky all my life, and you could see everything from there. But I never saw a petpet that could actually talk to a neopet."

by dewdropzz


To Know the Rain
He wondered what rain felt like. Was it hot like the volcano rivers or was it cold like the fabled Terror Mountains? Soft? Hard? Did it come in different colours?

by pycrion

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