For an easier life Circulation: 190,555,218 Issue: 578 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y15
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The joys of the Shop Wizard!

by epicgiggle

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Girl's Night Out
Miraja was getting bored without any arch-villains to fight. Oh, sure, sometimes she'd sneak out of her home and catch some Thieves' Guild thugs, but it wasn't the same...

by mecha_fang


Honor Among Thieves: Part Seven
By the time Marlos woke the next morning, Nabile had already returned with several Tchea Fruits and a carved walking stick. The Draik resolved to never ask any questions about where they'd come from.

by saphira_27


The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Six
"You're going to construct a potentially dangerous magical machine, and ignore the instructions?" Viktor asked. "That's the sort of magic I like!"

by herdygerdy


General Knowledge: Pet and Petpet Spotlights!
To date one of my pets has one the Pet Spotlight and four petpets have won the Petpet Spotlight. Now, I aim to transfer my general knowledge onto you Neopian Times readers.

by ravensley

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