Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 189,389,219 Issue: 553 | 13th day of Swimming, Y14
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Mr. Invisible #3 - The Snowager is asleep...

by deathnote

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Water Pets Are NOT Drinkable!
It's so hot!

Idea by ruben160

by schnauzerzrcool


A Conversation Between Rivals
When Layton Vickles settled down at his table, in some nameless restaurant in Altador, he had no idea that anyone would be joining him. He eyed the menu and then dropped it in disgust.

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Questioning the Crumpetmonger
She was a very hard Meerca to get a hold of, between the scone making and pie baking but when she heard about...

by impellent


Darigan Yooyu Blues
Can we get on with the game now?!

by yinna65

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