Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 189,690,092 Issue: 457 | 20th day of Hiding, Y12
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I, Nan, being of sound mind and body...

by greenflavouredink

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Why so much stress about some little mess?

Also by patjade

by blaumann


Bombs Away!
There won't be a next time...

by ridaeux


To the Rescue: A Petpet Rescue Guide
This guide is to give anyone missing the Petpet Rescue avatar lots of tips and help to getting that pretty, easy avie.

by xxxmagiabellexxx


Fair Faerie Academy: Alumina the Light Faerie - Part One
The headmistress called me into her office this morning and told me that there is this new faerie coming to the academy and she wanted me to show her around because she was going to be my new roommate.

by queenmelissa93

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