Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 158,073,880 Issue: 316 | 2nd day of Storing, Y9
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Heavy Mental

by 4zure

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Quan's Games
I highly disapprove of Scorchios eating Korbats. :(

by taylorkudrin2


Approaching the Shrine...
No Chias were harmed/eaten in the making of this comic...

by biogirl1991


Ultimate Decision: Part Six
"It must take someone of the purest evil to dream up a scheme like this," said Finneus, his eyes sad as he stared at Renelle...

by reggieman721


Rainbow Dung: The Pretty, the Strange, and the Smelly
Rainbow Dung is one of the most curious items that you can find in Neopia. Where did it come from? Who created it? Why is it so amazing?

by spirit_of_myths

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