A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 143,141,548 Issue: 299 | 6th day of Swimming, Y9
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by kazue

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How I Blasted 201 Magmata
In Magma Blaster, you embody the anonymous Alien savior. Disregarding the scorching cinders and lava flow, you must fire at the assortment of rocks...

by master_algie


An Eternal Season of Giving
Did she care if it was almost zero degrees out? No. Did she care that another year was approaching? No. Did she enjoy all this goodwill and happiness? A thousand times no!

by shroomsrock101


The Wonders of Toast
What IS my life's purpose?

by evie_firebolt


Time To Shine
Shone's shoulders sagged with relief. Steel, a Clockwork Yooyu and also her best friend, had come to the rescue...

by soupfaerie_best

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