The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 139,732,769 Issue: 292 | 18th day of Hunting, Y9
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In an Eggshell
For over a year, I've been waiting and waiting for those few words that she's just spit out. Ever since that dreaded day. The BOOCHI day...

by dark_slammer


Quenching Your Thirst: A Guide to the Summer Heat
So, to help those in need for those long months of summer ahead, I decided to compose a rather helpful (in my well-educated opinion) list of drinks which will quench your thirst during those long summer days...

by ginelga


Payment Due
Kindness leaves a debt that has little to do with money. Even if you repay it, the best gift is the memories it brings...

by alkuna_


Revenge and Resistance: Part Seven
"I resign," Gormos mumbled. "I can't do this anymore. I'm not the right person to do it; I can't handle this pressure..."

by dan4884

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