A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 135,120,757 Issue: 269 | 8th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Trenner Sayz

by battybuddy

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Shadowflame: Snowfall
A blizzard had struck not long after she had set out to scale Terror Mountain, leaving Happy Valley behind her in a haze of white flakes and wind. Her name was Shadowflame Darkhunter...

by brains03


The Hoarders: Part One
"I just can't afford to keep four pets anymore. I know we had a lot of money, but it just kind of drifted away. But I figured you're older, so you'd cope with this better..."

by ruff_zette


Slorg and a Half
No, CAKE!!

by warrior20012


Ioshva's BC blues
Trophies don't go on your head!

by jlnmellon_112

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