Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 118,221,339 Issue: 237 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y8
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Lab Ray...?

by mythbusters1fan

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Flight to Freedom
"No, Halnora," I groaned. "I don't want to fly today. Or run, for that matter."

by dragongirl860


Night of Thade: Part One
It's not that I'm a loner. I'm nice to people, I have friends, and I'm not one of those scaredy-kadoaties who sits in their Neohome ALL DAY...

by sallyacorn310


Tales from Cabin Eight: The Witch in the Woods
The disappearance of the Spyder was still on the minds of the children. It didn't make sense at all. How could the Spyder have disappeared right out of the cabin?

by dan4884


O, the Joys of Owning a Slorg!
These little fellas are more than just a blob of slime!!!

by astros_fan63

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