Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 120,559,293 Issue: 234 | 7th day of Eating, Y8
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The Pant Devil Strikes again!

by pacmanite

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Discovering Qasala: a Guide to the Lost City
Qasala was founded about two thousand years ago, by a clan of desert nomads named the Qasl clan, also known as Qasalans.

by mazoku_kuiin


Fulfilling Illusen's Quest: Part Two
"That contract you signed," she breathed softly, "was cursed. You are doomed to stay on 'Jhudora's' forever. And it makes you immortal."

by grapesourhorse


Liff & Canf

by emmacatty


The Life of a Maraquan Buzz
"How are we supposed to get up there?"

by lil_neo_freak242

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