Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 98,662,396 Issue: 167 | 19th day of Storing, Y6
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Savak: The Medallion - Part Four
"Red Lupe?" Savak asked. "I…I thought he was white."

by zephandolf


The Werelupe Saga, Chapter 1: Part Three
"Maylas, I don't know how to explain what's been going on. But I know this fire is my fault. I don't know how but it is. I have to go there. I want you to stay here where its safe, okay? I'll be right back," I quickly opened the door and ran out, not letting Maylas to react.

by neojolteon2


Speck the Speckled
What was her problem?

by cheetah_kougra


Neopia: A Material World
I ask you, when did Neopets become about hours and hours of training for your tired pet to become ruler of the Battledome? When did it become more important to buy paintbrushes than good food and toys?

by ampolin1

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