A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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Grundo Stix #3

by anikajinn

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House Party
"Mom, Nelly buried my Usukis in the backyard again!" a red Usul shrieked as she practically flew through the kitchen and into her owner's arms. "Can we please sell him to our neighbors or something?"

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When Nuria was born so long ago, upon a first glance she had the normal, filmy wings of her fiery sisters but when she screwed her pale face up and began to cry (as new babies often do), her wings burst into flame...

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Vision Quest
When a villager of Geraptiku learned the arts of tracking, hunting, and survival, and was ready to have a voice among the worthy, he or she must prove that their knowledge was well-ingrained. And he or she must have a Vision.

by laurelinden

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