There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 104,800,928 Issue: 204 | 18th day of Hiding, Y7
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Follow the Leader!

by _kelizeee_

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Great stories!


Investigation on Roo Island: Dice-A-Roo
How MANY annoying Roo minions have bounced around you, taunting you with phrases like ‘Tra la la’, ‘191273 is such a lot of Neopoints!’, and ‘I’m hungry!’ ???

by deldrimmor


Hungry Cobrall
Things aren't always what they seem...

by fire_fly196


A Handy Guide to Getting Rich the Slow Way
Many guides found around the internet tell you how to get rich quickly, but how many will tell you how to do it slowly?

by master_1_jedi


A Visit to Aunt Lola's: Part One
Mia and her two pets were on vacation. Well, if you could call it that. Really, they were just visiting relatives, Aunt Lola and Cousin Phil.

by sweetie_me274

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