Curse of the Revenge by lama12122
Author's note: This story is set before the First chapter of Curse of Maraqua,
where Garin and Isca lay eyes on each other for the first time.
Garin ran down the beach. Normally it was burning hot
under his feet, but the sun was setting and its rays were no longer beating
on the sand. He had always loved the feeling of cool sand. Garin was a young
Usul, almost a teenager, with blonde hair. His father had passed away a few
years ago, and he lived with his mother and grandfather now, in a small house
on Scurvy Island. He loved his grandfather. He always told Garin tales of his
ancestors, all of whom were pirates. Garin vowed that one day he would follow
in their footsteps.
Ahead of him he could see the silhouette of
his friend, Jacques. Jacques was a handsome, young Kyrii, around Garin's age.
He was Garin's best friend, and the two of them often sat on the beach together,
daydreaming of the future and how together they would be captains of pirate
"Hey," said Jacques, "I thought you would never
show up." Every night Garin and Jacques would meet at the beach and watch the
sailboats out at sea. It was here where he found his petpet, a black pawkeet,
which he named Sam.
"Mum prepared dinner late again," Garin said
in reply. Sam was perched on his shoulder. The two friends sat in their usual
spot on the sand and watched the sailboats float by. With the sunset in the
background and the colored sails of the boats, it was a beautiful sight.
An hour later, the boats had all left the harbor
and the sunset was over. It was almost totally dark. Garin looked up at the
sky and saw enormous black clouds rolling in, threatening a storm. The also
seemed unnaturally close to the ground.
"Maybe we should head home now," said Jacques.
"No," Garin said, "Not yet. Wait." He wanted
to see what was happening with the clouds. It looked almost as if they were
descending from the sky. Soon, the horizon was no longer visible and the clouds
seemed to have engulfed the ocean. They began to swirl and the two friends could
tell that something was emerging from them in the distance.
"Oh, Fyora," Garin could hear Jacques mutter.
His grandfather had said no pirate ship had ever been seen in these parts but
that was all about to change. Sailing through the ocean (although it really
looked like it was floating on the clouds) was and enormous pirate ship with
huge black sails, a gigantic body, and the word "revenge" painted sloppily on
its side. Neither Garin nor Jacques had seen anything like it before, not even
in pictures.
The weirdest thing about this ship, however,
was not its enormous size, but the way it didn't look solid. It looked somehow
see-through, like a ghost. Suddenly it disappeared.
"What was up with that?" said Jacques.
"I don't know but I'd better get home now,"
Garin replied. Then the two of them ran all the way back to their houses.
"Grandpa! Grandpa!" Garin ran all through his
house, calling his grandfather, until he finally found him sitting in his old
rocking chair up in the attic.
"What is it, son?" his grandfather said.
"Jacques and I saw something," Garin said. "It
was a giant pirate ship!"
"Oh, Garin," his grandfather said in and exasperated
tone, "Ye know no pirate ships 'ave been seen in these parts fer years."
"But Grandfather," Garin pleaded. "It was there!
It was huge and it had black sails and it had the word "revenge" on it!"
"Did ye say revenge?" his grandfather asked
"Yes," Garin replied. "It was painted on in
"Oh, no," his grandfather whispered under his
breath. "Ye have seen something terrible, terrible." He continued to mutter
and soon began pacing up and down the attic. He stopped in front of an old dusty
full-length mirror and looked at himself. He was an old, rugged, Usul with an
eye patch on one eye and a long, white, beard.
"Grandpa," Garin began to say, "What was it?"
"Ye saw the Revenge," he said grimly. "She be
the nastiest, most evil, ship ever to be sailin the five seas."
"Why?" said Garin, curiously.
"Ma said there be no more pirate tales," Garin's
grandfather simply said.
"Well she's not here, is she?" said Garin.
His grandfather looked down on Garin. Garin
was looking up at him. His grandfather had seen this face more than enough times.
It was the face with the pleading expression that Garin always used when he
wanted his grandfather to tell him a story. "Alright, alright," he finally said.
Before the two could pull up a chair, there
was a knock on the attic door. The door opened to reveal a Kyrii with a black
pawkeet perched on his shoulder. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything," Jacques
began, "But you left Sam at the beach. You must have been too distracted by
the ship."
Sam flew across the room and landed on Garin's
shoulder. "My grandfather was just about to tell me what that thing in the water
was," Garin said. As if this was an invitation, Jacques walked over to Garin's
grandfather, pulled up an old chair, sat down, and waited for him to start.
Garin and his grandfather followed suit.
"Aye," he began. Garin and Jacques listened
intently. "It all started a few years ago. An enormous pirate ship named the
Revenge terrorized Southern Neopia. They invaded Mystery Island, killing and
burning. No other ship be able to stand a chance against the Revenge. Its crew
was almost as enormous as the ship. It contained all sorts of odd pets. Women,
men, small pirates, giant pirates, skilled pirates, and weak pirates were all
be a part of the crew. They also had the most advanced weapons. And, of course,
they had their secret weapon."
"What was that?" asked Jacques.
"Their captain," he whispered. Garin and Jacques
"His name be Scarblade, Captain Scarblade. He
be the nastiest Lupe ever to sail the five seas of Neopia. Scarblade be almost
as malicious as Jhudora herself. He ain't normal. He had powers no Neopian could
ever dream of possessing and a way of tricking others into joining him. He never
let anyone compete with his reputation. Any crew that be tryin' to withstand
his forces was immediately sent to Davy Jones' Locker."
"What happened then?" said Garin.
"I 'ave told ye about yer ancestors," his grandfather
said in his pirate accent, "and how yer great-great-grandfather, or my grandfather,
was a marvelous pirate. Well, one day, Scarblade got wind that there was a new
ship on the water, threatenin' his reputation as the biggest baddie in the seas.
Your great-great-grandfather be the captain of that ship. Her name was the Black
Pawkeet and she was a beautiful ship, far more nicer than the wreck that Scarblade
controlled. So that Scarblade fellow came all the way over here, in search for
him. An' he be gettin' quite a surprise when he saw how large and well-built
both the ship and the crew be."
"What did the Pawkeet look like?" asked Jacques
as Sam let out a squawk. He supposed Sam thought that was a good name for a
"Aye, she was a beauty," said Garin's grandfather.
"Their captain did great work. He hired professional artisans to give it a pretty
paint job. They made a black sail that had the skull of a pawkeet painted on
it. But Scarblade didn't care about beauty. Aye, he just wanted to conquer every
part of Neopia, one by one. So me granddad and Scarblade met one fearsome night.
The sea and the clouds be a roarin' that and the sight of the Black Pawkeet
made Scarblade mighty nervous. The two ships anchored themselves in the middle
of the ocean, preparing for battle. From the bow of his ship, the Captain Scarblade
glared at the crew of the Pawkeet, like a Tyrannian Kougra eyeing its prey.
The enormous blasting of cannons erupted and they had officially gone into battle.
It was a war of the good pirates and bad pirates. Me grandfather knew that if
he defeated the Revenge, pirates would no longer have anything to fear. He also
knew that if his crew went down, it was just another group of helpless men sent
to the bottom of the ocean. He was determined not to lose. He never had before."
"Did he win?" Garin asked.
"Did they all sink to the bottom of Maraqua?"
said Jacques.
"Hold on, hold on, I'm getting to that," said
the old Usul.
"The battle raged on for hours," he continued.
"Many had been killed. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, the first mate
of the Pawkeet was defeated to top it all off. He had been the captain's best
friend. Suddenly filled with rage, the crew fought harder than they ever had
before. But the Black Pawkeet didn't have enough time to kill them all, for
a cannonball had made an enormous hole in the Revenge and it was taking in water
faster than they could throw it out. The Revenge was sinking so fast that there
was not even enough time to pull out life boats. Within minutes, they were sleeping
with the gulpers. The crew of the Pawkeet cried out in triumph, then headed
"That was it?" said Garin. "It doesn't sound
very heroic."
"No, no, no," said his grandfather. "That be
only the beginning. What happens next is far more interesting."
"Yer great-great-grandfather won many more battles
and his reputation as a pirate continued to grow. Soon he met a nice lady and
decided to settle down from his life of piracy. He had a family and put all
his past behind him, including his rivalry with Scarblade. After seein' ol'
Scarblade go down with the Revenge, he never assumed he would never see him
again, but assumptions can often be wrong.
"One day he was sittin' in the Golden Dubloon,
chuggin' down a good ol' mug of grog, when he heard some fellas behind him,
whispering about Scarblade. As he eavesdropped on the conversation, he found
out that some people had been claiming to have seen the ghost of the old captain
and his ship. These were mostly pirates and even the bravest ones became so
afraid that they decided to quit their life of piracy. Me granddad was a brave
one so he decided to rent a little row-boat and take it out to sea. He brought
along with him a telescope and a journal. In the journal, he planned to keep
any records of anything he had seen. The telescope was going to be used to keep
a safe distance from the ship in the case of him spotting it."
"The next morning he headed out. It was cloudy
and the waves were fairly calm. As he rowed the boat farther and farther away
from the coastline, he felt the salty spray of the sea on his face. It gave
him an excited feeling, a feeling he had not experienced for a long time. When
he could no longer see shore he stopped rowing and pulled out his journal. He
opened it up to the first page where he had written some notes from the things
he remembered hearing in the conversation. The first said that the ghost of
the Revenge roamed the seas at midnight. It had gotten dark a while ago. Looking
up at the position of the moon, the Usul could tell it was almost midnight.
He, again, looked down at his journal. The second note he had taken said to
look out for black fog. He lifted his head up and noticed dense, black, clouds
began to swirl around him, as if the sea were burning and letting off a heavy
smoke. Your great-great-grandfather whipped out his telescope and looked around
for any sign of an old ship."
Afraid of what they thought was going to happen
next, Garin and Jacques shivered. The thought of these waters being haunted
alarmed them.
"Suddenly the fog began to part, and an enormous
ship emerged. It was draped in seaweed. Some of the wood had rotted away. He
could see the hole from the cannonball that had blasted into the side of the
ship and sent the Revenge to the bottom of Maraqua. She looked exactly the same
as the night she went down, except for the fact that she was transparent and
looked like a ghost."
"So he held his telescope up to his eye and
looked up at where the crew members were. Scarblade was standing at the bow
of the ship. His crewmates were behind him, laboring just like they had been
doing it their whole lives. Taking out a pen, he turned to a fresh page in his
journal and began to quickly write down what had happened so far."
"But as the Revenge got closer, me granddad
noticed something looked different about the crew. He rowed a little closer
and looked through his telescope again. The crewmates looked like skeletons
with ripped clothing dangling over them! Scarblade spotted him, and commanded
his crew to move toward me granddad. For the first time ever, the old pirate
was scared out of his wits. He immediately started to row the small boat back
towards the island. Knowing the ship was going to be much too fast for him to
out-swim, he looked back and noticed that the black clouds had vanished."
"The ship began to
fall beneath the waves. Yer great-great-grandfather opened up to the page with
the notes and saw the last thing he had remembered hearing in the conversation.
The third, and final, thing was the rumor that ship could submerge under the
water, and the crew could breathe under water. Even though it wasn't much of
a surprise since they were dead, seeing his old enemy return from the dead almost
made him faint from fright. He worked his arms harder than he ever had, in order
to get as far away from this place as he possibly could. He arrived back on
the island and ran far, far away. He was never seen again. That's why it is
said that any man who sees the ghost ship is said to go mad with fright."
"But if he ran away as soon as he got to the
shore," said Garin, "Then how would anyone know what had happened?"
"Aye, more questions," said his grandpa. "My
grandmother got worried when he didn't return the next day and walked down to
the beach to search for him. She found the row-boat. Inside she saw the telescope
and journal. She took the items home. After placing the telescope on a shelf,
she began to read the journal. Her husband's whole story was recorded in it.
When my father was older she gave it to him, who passed it down to me. Since
I can't pass it down to my son, it is only fitting that I give it to you, Garin."
Garin's grandfather stood up and walked over
to a pile of boxes, stacked up in the corner. He opened one of them and pulled
out an old, tattered, journal.
"Wow," said Garin as it was handed to him.
"He has all of his travels written down in here,"
Jacques said in awe. "How do you know he wasn't lying about this story?"
"He has told me many stories that seemed to
be real," replied Garin's grandfather. "Of course there was that tale about
him catching a water faerie with nothing but his bare hands…"
"Well," said Jacques sarcastically, "It sounds
like we can always trust him."
"And then there was that story he told me about
when a nuranna bit off all of his limbs and he fought the nuranna to get 'em
back," he continued. "I'll never forgot the time he said he found 1,000,000
neopoints lying around on the beach…"
"I guess we'll never know what really happened,"
said Garin.
"I guess not," said Jacques. He sighed. It possibly
wasn't true, but it was still a great story. "I should go home now." And with
that, Jacques walked down the attic steps and headed home.
Sam started squawking. Garin had completely
forgotten he was there. He picked Sam up but this only made him squawk louder
and begin to flap his stubby wings. "Quiet," Garin said to him, "Or mum will
make you sleep outside." He carried the Pawkeet down the attic stairs. As he
descended down the steps, he said to himself, "The Black Pawkeet. What a nice
name for a ship."
Garin's grandpa was still upstairs, in the attic.
He looked at all of the boxes, and other old stuff that was dumped up there.
There was one window in the attic, which looked out onto the beach. He looked
at an old grandfather clock that was in the room. It was almost midnight. He
stared back out at the water and noticed that black clouds started swirl around
the waters. He was just about to head downstairs with his grandson when he noticed
a brightly-coloured, sly-looking, piraket was perched on the windowsill, staring
at him.
"So that's why Sam wouldn't stop making noise,"
he said to himself. Slowly, he approached the bird, so as not to scare it away.
But the piraket stayed rooted firmly to his spot on the windowsill, throwing
the old Usul dirty looks. As he got closer, the petpet began to squawk loudly,
warning him not to come any closer. This piraket was aggressive, that was for
"Why aren't you just a little ol' bucket of
fried octorna?" Garin's grandfather said. The petpet shut his beak at the thought
of fried petpet. "What are ye doing here anyway?" He tried to grab the piraket
but it flew away. Puzzled by the odd behavior of the petpet, he walked down
the steps of the attic, trying to figure out what had just happened.
Suddenly he heard a voice call, "Grandpa, wanna
play a game of Deckball?" Up for a little activity, Garin's grandfather hurried
outside. Whatever had happened between the Black Pawkeet and the Revenge was
ancient history. Surely the world of Neopia would never have to deal with the
likes of such a vicious pirate ever again?
The End