There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 104,800,928 Issue: 204 | 18th day of Hiding, Y7
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Split Second Snicker

by plushie_patches

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Investigation on Roo Island: Dice-A-Roo
How MANY annoying Roo minions have bounced around you, taunting you with phrases like ‘Tra la la’, ‘191273 is such a lot of Neopoints!’, and ‘I’m hungry!’ ???

by deldrimmor


Stolen Treasures: Part Two
"Alright, it would be wonderful if you would help," said Fyora. "You should realize that this could be a very dangerous job. We don't know where the items are hidden."

by uni_luver


Music and Mystery - the Truth Behind Those Pianos
But we’ve all asked ourselves questions about them: When are they going? Where did they get all their stuff from?

by laydeezam


What Did You Say? Languages of Neopia
This handy pocket sized guide is intended to help you learn the basics of many indigenous languages by examining each world separately.

by horserider12302

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