A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,436,079 Issue: 852 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y21
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword racoon188

Week - 589

If the Nickname Fits
by racoon188
Description: Sydney had earned the nickname "Basher" at an early age. The Kyrii was always in a hurry, always trying to get somewhere. She had never particularly minded the epithet; its implication that she was tough could only help her reputation.

Week - 627

Good King Hal
by racoon188
Description: "I rule over them, setting such a fine example; how could they not but be fine folk?"

Week - 692

A Healing Cuppa
by racoon188
Description: Penny walked up to the cafe and breathed a sigh of relief. She giggled as the sigh took the form of steam. She trotted in and shut the door firmly behind her.

“Not used to Terror Mountain weather, eh?” the Kougra behind the counter asked.

Week - 811

Leave Your Preconceptions at the Door
by racoon188
Description: Val walked distractedly through the library, flipping pages and muttering to himself. "No, surely it was in this volume. I could have..."


Week - 852

Welcome to Marmalady
by racoon188
Description: Over the road leading into the town was a sign bearing the legend: Welcome to Marmalady - Live Sensationally. The first time Mads saw that sign, he knew this was the town for him.

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Welcome to Marmalady
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