The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 193,402,800 Issue: 688 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword art_un

Week - 272

Cylara's Journey: Part One
by doughnut215
Description: It was at approximately the same time that the faerie was gazing up at the stars that Keija suddenly sat bolt upright in bed - instantly awaked from a very odd dream - with a rather different type of smile dawning upon her face...

Also by denimsweetheart

Week - 273

Cylara's Journey: Part Two
by doughnut215
Description: Tuari was gone; someone had taken him. And they wanted a honey potion for him. Her precious little brother was being held for ransom!

Also by denimsweetheart

Week - 274

Cylara's Journey: Part Three
by doughnut215
Description: Just as she felt that she could go no further, Cylara saw an orange glint. Even in the darkness, it seemed to glow somehow...

Also by denimsweetheart

Week - 682

by art_un
Description: The bouquet of flowers in her basket bobbed as Anna glided down the street on her bicycle.

Week - 688

Cheating for Seconds
by art_un
Description: Who knew Sabre-X could be so easily fooled?

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Mother's Balloon: Part Four
The walk to the barn from the Worthington's house was quite a long one, down a winding dirt path, over hills and past the corn field. For as long as the journey was, it could never be long enough for the scarlet Draik who knew that her worst nightmare was waiting for her at the end of the road.

by dewdropzz


Symol Woes

Story by psychedelicreature

by madliesa


The Beginning of the Shadow: Part Three
Kamia couldn’t help but feel a jolt run through her when she saw the bruised Zee hurry away. Zee hadn’t been to the Battledome at all, not even recently. Kamia knew that. She had been there these few days, trying out her new weapon, but she hadn’t even caught sight of Zee once. So that meant that Zee had been trying to catch some villain or had gotten hurt while saving a civilian.

by sha2196


Arthur: A Weapon's Tale: Part One
It had all started during a seemingly innocent game of Cheeseroller. The temperature was warm, with a brisk breeze following the steep slope of the hill. There must have been a dozen or so onlookers, watching in anticipation to see who would win or who would make the fool of themselves.

Collaboration with surath

by trubiekatie


Customization Quest
It's a tough life being invisible...

Idea by Chusker

by morganjoisle

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