Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 191,527,704 Issue: 609 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y15
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword jennyluo45678

Week - 604

Our Day
by jennyluo45678
Description: Being an underdog. They say it gets easier, but it never does...

Week - 609

Daily Dare Chronicles
by jennyluo45678
Description: Dedicated to every Daily Darer in Neopia.

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Great stories!


Of Pirates and Pranks: Part Three
"Well, guys, it looks like we'll be facing our greatest rivals today." The Gelert's ears flopped to the side, his face worn.

by parody_ham


Mutant Pets and You
Everything you'd ever need to know about Neopia's most marvelous population... Mutant Pets.

by tyuio_k50


Diamigo’s Noble Steed: Part Two
So it was decided. Kind of. I was to be Diamigo's noble steed. It wasn't working out well so far, since Peophins bounce a whole lot more when going fast, and Chias, having no legs, have a lot harder time staying on...

by almedha


Against All Odds: Part Four
The day of the race, an extremely bored and discontented Scorchio, with a permanent scowl upon his face, sat behind the counter of the betting booth, continuously taking bets from an enormous queue of Neopets that just kept getting longer and longer.

by meganhilty


The Woes of a Misunderstood Krawken
He didn't understand why he was hated so. The Krawken only wanted the friendship of another. He had done everything in his power to make new friends...

by spirit_wolf589

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