Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 187,193,206 Issue: 516 | 14th day of Collecting, Y13
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We found the following 15 result(s) for the keyword yotoll

Week - 502

Visions: Journey to Shenkuu - Part One
by yotoll
Description: The Kyrii slipped into the empty street, looking at all the closed shops lined up in a row...

Week - 503

Visions: Journey to Shenkuu - Part Two
by yotoll
Description: "When, though, and why?" Nil wondered aloud, tossing aside the remainders of the ummagine. Even after fifteen years of random visions, most of them still made hardly any sense.

Week - 504

Visions: Journey to Shenkuu - Part Three
by yotoll
Description: The Wocky pulled back the string, sure of his aim. Nil had to act without flaw or hesitation or else the Lupe would die.

Week - 505

Visions: Journey to Shenkuu - Part Four
by yotoll
Description: Karan did a good job of controlling his surprise, though she still spotted the fur rising on his shoulders. "Good morning. Do you want some tea?"

Week - 506

Visions: Journey to Shenkuu - Part Five
by yotoll
Description: Nil watched Karan as he lead, thinking about the dream she had a couple of nights ago. Not only am I in danger, but he is, too. I should at least warn him after all he's done for me.

Week - 507

Visions: Journey to Shenkuu - Part Six
by yotoll
Description: Throughout the entire day, neither of the two travelers spoke unless necessary.

Week - 508

Visions: Journey to Shenkuu - Part Seven
by yotoll
Description: Nil's eyes widened. "Friends? Friends? No, we're nowhere near being friends. You just had to come along with me to Shenkuu, didn't you? Well, go home now."

Week - 509

Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part One
by yotoll
Description: She heard the Ogrin Master's voice. Quickly, she ducked behind one of the pillars...

Week - 510

Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part Two
by yotoll
Description: Nil waited anxiously outside of the Ogrin Master's room. The medic had gone in some time ago and she was anxious to know if the Master would be all right.

Week - 511

Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part Three
by yotoll
Description: "Hey, Nil," someone greeted from her blind side. She cried out and turned around. It was Hanso, grinning stupidly at her.

Week - 512

Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part Four
by yotoll
Description: "Escape now, talk later..."

Week - 513

Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part Five
by yotoll
Description: Karan carried one of the lamps, heading out in front. Nil followed behind, listening for any sounds of pursuit.

Week - 514

Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part Six
by yotoll
Description: "I'd know my own daughter's face, even after years of hardship," Karan's father insisted.

Week - 515

Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part Seven
by yotoll
Description: "How can you stop him? He's probably been training for this since Xandra was stopped."

Week - 516

Visions III: Revealed - Part One
by yotoll
Description: A Kyrii gazed out on to the sleeping city that lay out before him. It was bathed in the orange glow of the rising sun...

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