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Vol 2 Issue 65 | Neopia's Finest News Source | 13th day of Swimming, Yr 3

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked NeoPet questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of NeoPets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

New NeoDeck Collector Cards!

This week NeoPets has been creating a lot of new Collector Cards. If you are an avid collector or just beginning you should take a look and see which of the new cards you want to buy!

The Neo-Market Report

Stopping by this week will be the one and only Shop Wizard, founder and President of Shop Wizard N-Commerce. Get the gossip here!

Solitaire is finally HERE!!

If you love playing cards but you don't like playing against other people, then this is definitely the game for you!

Guild Spotlight
For entries into guild spotlight:

The Lost Desert United is a guild all about The Lost Desert. They even have a guild mascot named Mason the Desert Kacheek. How cute!!! So whether you enjoy walking in the sand with your Anubis or baking Sutek Muffins in the hot sun, this guild is totally for you.

Go visit the most magical, majestic, and mystical thieves around--The Faerie Thieves. As of now they are giving out tons of Faeries, and also throw huge donation parties for those that need certain items.

Check out The Kau&Kougra Guild for their Battle Royal, which is like their very own Battledome league. Winners get special prizes such as Battle Items and/or Rare Items. Doesn't matter what your pet's stats are.

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