The Golden Domar-Part One: The Legend Begins

by Dr. J. Human (As told to by pookieiii)

Do you know the legend of Tarquin, the Green Badeek? I know you do. If you don't, look at the historical documents of The End of The Badeeks. (Neopian Times, Issue -11) I've spent my life studying him and his tribe. I live in a small town in the 'H' sector, New Henniker, Hooksett, Hampshire, et cetera. That's where I am. Hampshire. A massive town devoted to the investigation of science, near the Northern Mountains. Well, I hate writing the first chapter of anything because nothing ever happens. My story starts in my house with my wife, Maria, and our pets. The postman came, and he delivered a discreet, brown, package. As a matter of fact...

"The postman brought a discreet, brown package this morning." Maria told me.
"No, he didn't. No postage. No return address."
"Why, you're quite right!" She said.
I opened it.

To Prof. J Human (Naturally, I'm not a real professor, but I was flattered anyway.) I would like to enlist your help. We have found a hilt of an ancient sword, on which is inscribed a legend written in an obscure dialect. We have deciphered it. Enclosed is a copy of the legend and two tickets for the train to Hooksett near the Mountains. Please come ASAP. Read the legend.

Maria was already packed by the time I had finished reading the legend. We were just in time to get the ten o'clock from Hampshire to Hooksett. Hooksett was right at the foot of the entire Northern Mountain range. There was a mountain whose peak had a sword, and another a J shaped hook. (Hooksett) When I entered, I didn't see what I expected. I saw two Chias, a Cerepul, a Lupe, and an Ashia. But, it was not only two Chias, one of them was Prof. William Washpot! The smartest, cleverest, and as my own female Chia would say with a wistful sigh, most charming of all Chias. He had the wit and intelligence to surpass many men I knew. And he spells words better then me, too. He was much younger then he looked, but you couldn't tell because of his wild, white hair that was half as tall as he was. He looked out of place right next the much younger red, mountain Chia, for he was green.

"Did you read the legend?" He asked. I nodded.
"Sum it up for me."
"Well..." I began.
"Well what? Well water? Well wishing?" Jeez, he was like my old college professors.
There were once Golden Chias. They were golden because they were the Chia war god Taplatlakettle's favourites. There were also Dogaicers, real smooth operators and well liked. They were supposedly fighting evil by killing Shadow Faeries..."
"Are you sure it didn't say Dark Faeries?"
"Positive. Shadow Faeries."
"But the Shadow Faeries weren't evil and the gods got mad. The High Faerie Mother, no Faerie Queen, I suppose, was old and frail. The Dogaicer leader tried to steal the Golden Chias' Sword of Domar's Gold..."
"Golden Sword of Domar."
"And then Erika, the Golden Chia Chieftess, fought back and won in a series of bloody battles." I stopped. "How'd I do?"
"Full marks! Allow me to introduce our cast. You are Jamie the Human, your companion..."
"Charmed. We have Asher the Chia," The happy, red Chia smiled even harder and waved. "Crater the Lupe, Thundertail the Cerepul, and Zanatika the Mystic Ashia..."
There was a scurry to bow. If you don't bow to a Mystic Ashia, she might curse you. That's why Maria's always hated cats...
"We are going to investigate the legend. A: we will discover if the hilt of the sword Thundertail found is really the Golden Domar. Two: we will find out if Erika ever existed. C: We'll find out if it ever happened at all."
"You went from A to Two to C, sir." Maria said.
"I don't even match my pastel style socks, I don't care what I say." He laughed and winked, then wiggled a brown loafer clad heel.
"How are we going to do that, Professor?" I asked.
"Zanatika will transport us back in time."
"Back in time?" Maria gasped.
"Yes, back in time, 2000 years before Borovan."

To be continued...