Editorial Q & A

Dear Mrs. NeoBox,

Why do people create a pet if they're just going to throw it away? And why do they give them awful names like "Ismell". That's not very nice. The pets don't deserve to be treated like this. Most people say, "NeoPets should be treated with respect." If these NeoPets continue to be thrown into the agency, then this will eventually spell "DISASTER" in the land of Neopia. As you read this, many NeoPets are still being thrown away. You can't just throw them away like they don't exist.




Dear TienTrainer,

This could be an epidemic. But we can still do something about it. People have been creating pets with silly names because they think it's funny. Well, it's not. It's very sad. But it could be a mistake. Do you think that the person that created "Ismell" meant to name their pet "Ismail"? Either way, these poor pets sit in the pound and are being made fun of by other pets because of their silly names. You Neopians have to understand one thing: THE PETS NEED YOU. I wouldn't go as far to say "DISASTER" for Neopia, but I would WARN people to a bit more careful with their pets because they need you to take care of them. If you don't they will be very sad and you will feel terrible. I don't think you want that to happen. So, TienTrainer, I am very happy that you have brought up this point and that you are also concerned. All you can do is tell people that once they bring a pet into Neopia they should be responsible enough to take care of it. Like you said, "You can't just throw them away like they don't exist." It just doesn't seem right. They DO exist, even if they have silly names. It's still a sad, sad day. Especially when I go through the agency and all of their sad faces are looking up at me.

Think before you throw a pet away,

Mrs. NeoBox

Dear Mrs. NeoBox,

Is it just me or are there other pets out there afraid of the ghosts, too?Just the other day, while LobsterBoy (my Mynci) and I were playing some Kacheek Seek, some ghosts attacked us for no reason and took 50 of my NPs. That was LobsterBoy's food money. He was very frightened; all his Mynci hair was standing up straight into the air and his tail was between his legs like a whimpering dog. He was scared and jumped into my arms. Because of these ghosts LobsterBoy hasn't eaten for two whole days! He won't even peel back a banana or bite into a savory grilled cheese sandwich. I'm afraid he's going to starve. Something has to be done! Please help me! LobsterBoy shakes every time I say the "G" word. It's just not fair. Does anyone out there have any advice for me? I'm at my wits end. You know that after he sees a ghost it takes me thirty minutes just to convince LobsterBoy that it's all right to play Hungry Skeith (my favourite game). What can I do to calm LobsterBoy down? How do I get him to eat? Is there a way around the ghosts? I want to play Hungry Skeith already! I am so confused.

Please help,


Dear Gorilla0,

I hate those ghosts, too. Just the other day I was getting all these free gifts from the Money Tree and they ghosts took them all back. What's up with that? Anyway, LobsterBoy sounds like a very brave Mynci--NOT! I think you need to start training your LobsterBoy to not worry about the ghosts. Look, ghosts are going to steal your things once and a while. They are a part of the site! You just have to face it. If it weren't for the ghost there wouldn't be such a giving Money Tree. Did you ever stop to think that maybe if you donated a little more (or anything) to the Money Tree that the ghosts would stop harassing you and your Mynci? Well, you should stop by and drop off a few NPs or slap down a slab of Danish bacon.

On a gentler note, you should play a video for LobsterBoy to calm him down. Bruce Don't Cry is a good one. Get his mind off the ghosts by brushing his teeth or putting some green eye shadow on him. He'll be thankful (and prettier) and you'll get him to peel back some bananas. That way, you'll both be happy. And you, Gorilla0, can get to playing Hungry Skeith without worrying about your starving pet.

Watch out for those ghosts,

Mrs. NeoBox