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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 7th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 143 > Articles > If You Buzz That Thing One More Time...

If You Buzz That Thing One More Time...

by solarjeraniums

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Other Stories

Snowbunnies: Strange, But Still Lovable
One time, Pooshiligi was talking to Snowy in our Living Room while I was washing the dishes. I overheard (out of boredom, though). This is how their "conversation" went....

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Freaky Factory Follies!
Hidden somewhere in the dark depths of Kreludor, there is a mysterious building owned and operated by Krelufun Industries, producing toys for Neopets of all types to enjoy.

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Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Insanity
"Colonel Cobb, sir? I'm from the Neopian Times, and I’m doing an article on insanity – eh, on unique behaviors among Neopian citizens..."

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Embracing the Inner Neopian Troublemaker
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100 Ways to Beat Writers Block
Take that useless steel block off your head – trust me, it’s not doing you any good.

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