Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,832,142 Issue: 1007 | 3rd day of Hunting, Y26
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword kewtiepiexx

Week - 418

Coltzan's Midnight Guests
by coookie18471
Description: "How do we know where the shadow is taking us? What if it's leading us to those horrible traps that are put in shrines like these?"

Also by kewtiepiexx

Week - 445

The Storm
by coookie18471
Description: Khaytra sighed. "Maybe two hours, I'll say," he said. "It's been rising faster today than last night."

Also by kewtiepiexx

Week - 643

The Disappearing FFQ
by kewtiepiexx
Description: I had a very long-standing FFQ over three years old at least that I had never used...

Co-written by spikey_noodle

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"The sun was bright in the sky the next morning, the sands warm beneath Elizia’s feet. A trickle of sweat ran down her face..."

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Swapping Space for Land
It can't be that bad...for the Grundos at least. Collab with chai7705

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The Ceramicist’s Apprentice
A story about Osiri (from Osiri's Pottery in Lost Desert) picking up a new pottery apprentice.

by yuumeria

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