Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,818,570 Issue: 1006 | 19th day of Eating, Y26
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Weather in April

by emaciate

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Reading Suggestions for Grey and Gloomy Weather
Hello my dearies, cheers to you for joining me again for Granny Grumbles’ Hoppin’ Hobbies. I do not know if you have all noticed, but the sky has been gloomy with more and more storms daily.

by spukl1


Royal Pain: Grey Day
You bring colour into my life.

by winner19955


The Timeless Tale
The night draped Neopia in an inky darkness, and the gentle radiance of Kreludor cast a soft glow on the summer landscape.

by chlo26


Network Transcript: What Has Everyone Smiling Today?
TRANSCRIPT. Aired the 14th day of Eating.

Clair: Good morning, viewers. It’s the 14th Day of Eating and I am your host Clair at the Neopian Times Network.

by lyzzy170

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