For an easier life Circulation: 197,695,101 Issue: 998 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y25
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Xac and Fuzo: The Best Gift

by shellshocks

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A Spooky Christmas Lesson
How do you bring spooky season to joyful season? By spreading spooky joy, of course.

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A Brynnso Christmas 10-Year Anniversary Special!
"After their contractually obligated off-year, Hanso and Brynn return to the stage in the Hidden Tower, where Christmas-themed plays are considered a staple around this time of year."

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12 Books To Read Your Baby Neopet This Holiday Season
Brought to by the Neopian Book Award Association. The holiday season is upon us, and there is no better gift for your Baby Neopet than the gift of knowledge.

by spitfyre_momma


Santa? Aren't you kind of old for that?

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