A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,695,101 Issue: 998 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y25
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Holiday Food-Fighting on a Budget

by swordlilly


Near the beginning of this year's Advent Calendar, peas — or rather, chaos — could be felt throughout Neopia. There was much speculation and argumentation about the value of a small green vegetable that could deal 28 icons of damage in the Battledome.

     So I had the sudden inspiration to write about other food-themed weapons that can be enjoyed by the average plebeian. If your Neopian bank account and daily work schedule are anything like mine, there is no way you could comfortably afford an Attack Pea or any of its variants during your lifetime. But fear not! There are plenty of other foods you can throw at your opponent in the Battledome. Welcome to Holiday Food-Fighting on a Budget.

     1. Solar Burrito


     This cheesy weapon is not to be underestimated. Boasting a respectable 11 icons of damage, it restocks for about 55,000 to 65,000 NP in Battle Magic and can often be found in player shops for much cheaper. Used in League 97 two-player battling, it deals 3 air, 3 fire, and 5 light icons, exploding in a warm, slightly stinky but tasty mess on your opponent's face.

     2. Throwing Nachos


     Like the Solar Burrito, this handful of crispy chips comes from Battle Magic and deals 11 icons of damage, except in different flavors: 3 earth, 3 fire and 5 physical. In one-player battling, the icon type doesn't matter much. It is only in two-player battling, when people take guesses at the opposing equipment and prepare various kinds of defence, that icon type comes into play.

     3. Ugga Loaf of Meat


     Probably super rancid by now, this slab of meat was originally awarded during the Y21 Daily Dare event. When it lands with a squelch on your opponent's face, it deals 10 icons of damage: 5 air and 5 earth. At the time of writing, its market price is 15,000 NP.

     4. Spearmint


     Offering up 8 icons of piercing freshness — 5 earth and 3 air — this blade of spearmint is used in the 9icon variant of League 54 battling. It comes from Battle Magic and can currently be found in player shops for around 3,000 NP.

     5. Bottled Holiday Cheer


     When you grow tired of lobbing nachos, meat and vegetables at the other party-goers, take a swig of Bottled Holiday Cheer! This 15hp healer is a decent pick-me-up for beginning battle Pets. It was originally given out in the Y19 Advent Calendar. Since then, its price has inflated to around 70,000 NP, but as this year's Advent Calendar has shown, old items can and do return to the market; price spikes won't last forever.

     6. Wheatgrass Juice


     An alternative to the Bottled Holiday Cheer, this 15hp-healing beverage was first released during the Wraith Resurgence event. A cheaper but less festive alternative would be the Magical Healing Potion.

     7. Feel Better Soup


     For Pets who have already been training for a while, this nutritious soup heals 50% of their maximum hp. It was originally given out in the Y24 Advent Calendar and currently holds a market price of around 450,000 NP.

     8. Throwing Cupcakes


     And it's dessert time! These fluffy cupcakes come from Battle Magic and deal 10 icons of damage: 5 earth and 5 light. At the time of writing, they can be found in player shops for around 17,000 NP.

     9. Amulet of Pie


     This pie deals the same amount of icons as the cupcakes, but in slightly different flavors: 5 earth, 2 light, and 3 water. Perhaps, texture-wise, it's softer? In any case, it's equally as sweet and affordable.

     10. Candy Cane Prison Shank


     This tasty holiday treat restocks for 10,000 NP in Wonderous Weaponry and can generally be found in player shops for around 25,000 NP. It deals an average of 10.65 icons per hit: 3 air, 3 dark, 3 earth, and a random amount of physical icons up to 3.

     11. Candy Cane Dragon Star


     Also made of candy cane, this star-shaped treat was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y18. It can deal 12 icons of damage, 6 fire and 6 water, but only once per battle. Because 12 icons is considered weak for a bomb, its market price sits fairly low at 4,000 NP.

     12. Thistleberry Pingrenade


     This berry juicy bomb originally came from the Y19 Games Master Challenge. It can be used once per battle, dealing a random amount of earth and physical icons ranging from 13 to 24 total. Its current market price is 150,000 NP.

     13. Honey Potion


     Brewed in Illusen's kitchen, this once-per-battle potion was originally a reward for completing 35 of her quests. Currently, its market price is about 50,000 NP. It provides 13 to 16 icons of earthly sweetness, and is best served with...

     14. Illusens Cream Cookie Bombs


     Extremely weak for a once-per-battle item at only 9 icons, these cookies compensate for their lack of oomph with... sugar, I guess.

     15. Darigan Muffin


     Last but not least, this single-use muffin is dropped by the Chia Clown in the Battledome and can usually be found in player shops for less than 10 NP. Purple and delicious, it deals 15 icons of damage: 5 dark, 5 fire, and 5 physical.

     While a food-themed Battledome set isn't top-tier, it can add some flavor to the mundane task of codestone-farming. Throwing burritos and candy at your friends in a two-player setting can also be fun.

     Of course, some of the best Battledome items on the site are food-themed too: Super Attack Pea and Grapes of Wrath to name a few. But those are for the likes of Neopians who can food-fight at kingly banquets. The rest of us plebeians can only gaze on in awe.

     I hope this article has given you some ideas on how to food-fight on a budget during the holiday season! Take care, drink lots of soup, and don't worry too much about virtual vegetables. There are controlled two-player leagues you can participate in without ever owning a 28-icon weapon. Most one-player farming targets in the Battledome can be beaten quite easily too without top-tier battle sets.


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