A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 196,752,993 Issue: 935 | 7th day of Hunting, Y23
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The Misadventures of Snor: What a Grey day!

by verna_

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Battleground of the Obelisk Wordsearch!
Can you solve this Battleground of the Obelisk themed wordsearch?

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Dailies with Larvse and Chuckie! #2
Chuckie and Larvse head to Krawk Island for Buried Treasure. Collab with instata!

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Lupe Pack Detectives - The Fake Detective
Blizzard the Lupe detective stumbles upon an arson case, but suspects there is more than meets the eye about this case...

by lupe_hunter_7


It's Korbattle Time!
A pun is the strongest weapon. Collab with Nyala

by keoshky

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