Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 193,217,755 Issue: 679 | 6th day of Awakening, Y17
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword swordarts

Week - 571

Great Pets without Great Cost
by swordarts
Description: There are many different sorts of pets around – nicely named, painted, good stats etc and some people seem to have all of them. So can you have pets that will make people envious without having the bank account of a billionaire?

Week - 679

A Guide to Player Created Battledome Leagues
by swordarts
Description: Since the new battledome was introduced, one of things that has seen a huge success is leagues for pets to fight in.

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Trouble in Paradise: Petpets
Petpets aren't the best conversationalists...

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The Neopian Gamer's Guide to Cheat!
It's a simple card game that involves strategy, and just a little bit of luck.

by golden1188


Getting Flash Game Avatars with your Trackpad
The flash game avatars can be tough - that's no secret.

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by softlyspokenwords


Six Difficult Levels of Hannah and the Pirate Caves
What you are about to read contains spoilers and vivid descriptions of some of the letters and why people all over Neopets have screamed in frustration.

by flufflepuff


The Master of the Mountain
Next to some empty crop fields, I came upon a group of villagers chatting amongst themselves, sounding very concerned. Some looked completely terrified.

by karuboo

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