Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,527,704 Issue: 609 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y15
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword the_shii

Week - 395

Aisha Soup
by the_shii
Description: Cloudgazing

Week - 409

Aisha Soup
by the_shii
Description: What in Neopia?

Week - 609

Aisha Soup
by the_shii
Description: Trip to the Adoption Agency!

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Plus One Intelligence
Oh yeah?

by waaurufu


Random Oddness: The Chadpocalypse #3
I figure if I act exactly like that Chadley guy...

by mistyqee


Don't worry!
Uhh.... whoops?

by snoleopard


Mutant Kacheeks: A Mutant Day Anatomical Debate
Since I so happen to be the proud owner of a Mutant Kacheek, we shall be focusing on the various mutations in the Kacheek population, as well as receiving information from my pet himself.

by waaurufu


5 Reasons to Adopt a Mutant Neopet
I'm here to tell you why you - yes, you, don't go turning away just yet! - why you should adopt one of the lovable little freaks of Neopian nature.

by kitteh_love_forever

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