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We found the following 13 result(s) for the keyword laurapet131

Week - 362

Kacheeks Can Play Trumpet?
by laurapet131
Description: "You know, the concert's next week and I have a dozen tests. I'm going to have to make band period a study hall and practice at home."

Week - 370

No Choice
by laurapet131
Description: I have nothing. I start from scratch every day, scrambling to recover what I have lost.

Week - 389

Battle of the Band Geeks
by laurapet131
Description: We all turned to look at our rivals... the drummers. Brazen, obnoxious, and annoying, they made it their sole purpose in life to put us down.

Week - 399

Save the Band Geeks!
by laurapet131
Description: We could tell immediately something was wrong.

Week - 433

by laurapet131
Description: I have not had my memory, my mind, for four years... and that is in your measurement of time. Time creeps slowly, immeasurably slowly, for me...

Week - 434

Drummer's Salute
by laurapet131
Description: See, drummers aren't so bad. :3

Week - 441

22 Instruments to Make You 97% Cooler
by laurapet131
Description: Because I'm just that nice, I have compiled a list of the coolest instruments in Neopia.

Week - 458

Neopian Trend Watch: Back to School
by laurapet131
Description: Remember: Basic White Shirt.

Week - 468

Marching - A Band Geek Story
by laurapet131
Description: It was only the second day of band camp, and I was already wishing for it to be over.

Week - 489

Neopian Trend Watch: Grey Day
by laurapet131
Description: Today on Neopian Trend Watch, we're going to check out the latest and greatest fashions. In honor of Grey Day, most of them are grey. And depressing.

Week - 491

Contralto (A Band Geek Series): Part One
by laurapet131
Description: "Why'd you leave?" I asked.

Kota looked me straight in the eye. "I didn't leave. They kicked me out."

Week - 492

Contralto (A Band Geek Series): Part Two
by laurapet131
Description: Day of the contest. Aaron had pulled some strings and secured the stage in the enormous auditorium for us.

Week - 493

Contralto (A Band Geek Series): Part Three
by laurapet131
Description: The year-end concert is apparently a big thing at Contralto.

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